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Better Goals for
Better Outcomes: 
Best-Practices for Writing Effective Measurable Goals that Improve Outcomes for Students
Featuring Special Guest Dr. Danielle Damico

The importance of writing reasonable but challenging goals for students cannot be underestimated. Evidence has shown that goals serve as the foundation for providing effective supports to students; when reasonable and challenging goals are set and progress toward them is used to drive changes to educational programs, students' outcomes are improved. In this webinar, Dr. Danielle Damico will discuss best practices in writing goals and measuring progress toward goals from both research and policy perspectives. Research-based methods and examples will be presented for various providers, and common pitfalls will be discussed.


In this webinar you will learn:

Research-based principles and practical methods for writing objective, measuable goals that facilitate student growth and learning

Research-based strategies for documenting student progress toward goals and using objective decision rules to make changes to the instructional environment based on data.

The importance of writing appropriate goals from a research and policy perspective

Special Guest
Danielle Damico, M.S., Ph.D
Customer Support & Training Manager

Danielle Damico is a Customer Support and Training Manager with Accelify. She has an M.S. in Special Education and a Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Oregon and is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Damico's work emphasizes prevention and early intervention for improving academic and social outcomes for students. She has conducted research and provided professional development in the areas of Response to Intervention/Multi-tiered Systems of Support, evidence-based instructional practices, screening and progress monitoring assessment, and data-based decision making. Dr. Damico has worked as a research scientist, school psychologist, and an assistant professor in Special Education which included directing an assessment/intervention center where she trained and supervised Learning Consultants and Special Education teachers in training to conduct educational evaluations and provide interventions to PK-12 students. She is also an author of Strong Start, a social and emotional learning curriculum. 

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